learn to read Thai script!
Learn letters with our cards which contain class, illustrations, pronunciation, and audio.To memorize the 44 Thai consonants, sort them in order, by class, sound, visual similarity or ending type. Vowels, tone marks and tones are briefly explained in the reading rules.
Learned the letters in their classic form, but in real life, they’re written in a simplified style? Don’t worry, we show you both versions.
Thai tone can be tricky for beginners. We have a special selection of words which are the same in sound but different in tone.
Learned the letters in their classic form, but in real life, they’re written in a simplified style? Don’t worry, we show you both versions.
Thai tone can be tricky for beginners. We have a special selection of words which are the same in sound but different in tone.
Thai grammar Cards
Thai grammar cards cover not only common rules but verbs, classifiers, the Thai calendar, time and numbers. We have tried to make interactive Thai lessons for you with audio play, examples, and split Thai phrases for easier reading!
Expand your Thai language vocabulary with essential words for daily communication.Learn words across 40+ topics.Add words, letters, or grammar cards to your favorites to revise faster. Quickly check the words you’ve learned with short quizzes, or take a number of quizzes on vocabulary topics.
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